talks & posters


  1. Conference - EAS - One year of JWST: photodissociation regions, protostars, disks, and planets.
    Kraków, 14.07.2023, Invited
    Circumplanetary Disks (also with JWST).
  2. Institute's Colloquium TLS Tautenburg
    Tautenburg, 13.06.2023, Invited
    From protoplanetary to planet-forming disks.
  3. Conference - Cosmic rays - the salt of the star formation recipe II
    Florence, 10.11.2022, Contributed
    Constraining the stellar energetic particle flux of T Tauri stars.
  4. Ernst Dorfi Summerschool
    Vienna, 26.09.2022, Invited
    Protoplanetary/Planet-forming disks - The power of spectral line observations.
  5. Conference - COSPAR 2022 - Connecting Solar and Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections: Lessons Learned
    Athens, 23.07.2022, Contributed
    Constraining Coronal Mass Ejection and the Stellar Energetic Particle Fluxes from Young Stars During the Period of Planet Formation.
  6. Conference - COSPAR 2022 - Star Formation with Spaceborne Infrared Facilities: the Era of JWST
    Athens, 22.07.2022, Contributed
    Observing the gas disk around the young planet-mass companion CT Cha b with JWST and ALMA.
  7. Conference - AGU Fall Meeting - Cool Stars and Their Influence on (Exo)Planetary Habitability
    Online, 16.12.2021, Contributed
    Constraining the energetic particle flux of young stars during the period of planet formation.
  8. Conference - Twinkle and the Next Generation of Exoplanet Scientists
    Online, 29.09.2021, Contributed
    Detecting PAHs in exoplanets and planet-forming disks with Twinkle.
  9. Conference - Virtual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society - Zooming into the Universe
    Online, 13.09.2021, Contributed
    Constraining the energetic particle flux of young stars during the period of planet formation.
  10. Conference - Five years after HL Tau
    Online, 06-11.12.2020, Contributed
    Interpreting high spatial resolution line observations of planet-forming disks with gaps and rings: The case of HD 163296.
  11. Conference - Planet Formation Witnesses and Probes: Transition Disks
    Online, 05.10.2020, Contributed
    Interpreting high spatial resolution line observations of planet-forming disks with gaps and rings: The case of HD 163296.
  12. Webinar - Star & Planet Formation
    Online, 09.06.2020, Invited
    Observing circumplanetary disks around wide-orbit planet-mass companions.
  13. Astrophysikalisches Seminar - Universität Tübingen
    Tübingen, 04.11.2019, Invited
    Radiation thermo-chemical modelling of planet-forming and circumplanetary disks.
  14. ESI workshop - Pathways from Star Formation to Habitable Planets
    Vienna, 02.08.2019, Invited
    Proto-planetary/ planet forming disks - Interpreting ALMA observations
  15. EWASS - Star-formation in the time domain
    Lyon, 28.06.2019, Invited review
    Sources of variability in star-formation: a theoretical perspective
  16. EWASS - Protoplanetary disks: the birth places of planets
    Lyon, 26.06.2019, Contributed
    The dust and gas structure of the HD 163296 planet-forming disk - Gas gaps or not?
  17. EWASS - The physics and chemistry of Class I protostars in the ALMA era
    Lyon, 25.06.2019, Contributed
    A 2D radiation thermo-chemical model for the circumstellar environment of Class I protostars.
  18. Our Astro-Chemical History - Past Present and Future
    Assen, 13.09.2018, Invited
    X-rays and other high-energy ionization sources in protoplanetary disks.
  19. Cosmic rays - the salt of the star formation recipe
    Florence, 04.05.2018, Contributed
    Modelling of high-energy ionization processes in the circumstellar environment of young solar-like stars.
  20. Dutch Astronomy Conference 2017
    Nijmegen, 23.05.2017, Contributed
    The chemistry of episodic accretion. 2D radiation thermo-chemical models of the post-burst phase.
  21. Seminar Geneva Observatory
    Geneva, 02.03.2017, Invited
    Energetic protoplanetary disk modelling.
  22. EWASS – Episodic accretion in star formation
    Athens, 04.07.2016, Contributed
    Modeling the chemistry of episodic accretion.
  23. EWASS – The Dynamics of Star and Planet Formation
    Athens, 07.07.2016, Contributed
    Possible observational signatures of stellar high energy particles in disks around T Tauri stars.
  24. Protoplanetary Discussions
    Edinburgh, 08.03.2016, Contributed
    Possible observational signatures of stellar high energy particles in disks around T Tauri stars.
  25. Austrian HPC Meeting
    Grundlsee, 23.02.2016, Contributed
    Computational Astrophysics: planets, stars and galaxies.
  26. Vienna Theory Lunch
    Vienna, 15.12.2015, Invited
    Modelling of Protplanetary Disks.
  27. OEGAA Meeting
    Vienna, 03.09.2015, Contributed
    Observational signatures of Stellar Cosmic Rays in disks around T Tauri stars.


  1. The inner disk of young stars : accretion, ejection, and planet formation
    Cargèse, Corsica, May. 2023
    Modelling atomic and molecular disk wind tracers
  2. From Clouds to Planets II: The Astrochemical Link
    Berlin, Oct. 2022
    Impact of energetic particle events on the chemistry of planet-forming disks and their observational signatures
  3. Inside 2022: The Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks
    Castle Ringberg, Sep. 2022
    Interpreting H2 and [OI] line emission of T Tauri disks with photo-evaporative disk wind models
  4. IAUS 350: Laboratory Astrophysics: from Observations to Interpretation
    Cambridge, Apr. 2019
    The chemistry of episodic accretion
  5. Workshop Planet Formation and Evolution 2019
    Rostock, Feb. 2019
    The planet-forming disk HD 163296 Gas gaps ... or not?
  6. IAU GA Symposium Origins: From the Protosunto the First Steps of Life
    Vienna, Aug. 2018
    Constraining the stellar energetic particle flux in young solar-like stars